Category Archives: Entertainment

These are posts about Entertainment stuff.

T-Mobile offers unlimited streaming to some providers

T-Mobile just announced a new initiative yesterday called Music Freedom. This program allows customers to stream a few music services, selected by T-Mobile, without it affecting customers’ monthly data allowance. These music services include Pandora, iHeartRadio, iTunes Radio, Spotify, the forthcoming Beatport, and a few others. They’ll also be taking votes on their website and twitter for other services to add to their exemption list. T-Mobile is offering this free of charge to content providers.

On paper it looks great. I use Pandora a lot and it makes me get very close to my data allowance each month so being able to stream with no worries sounds great to me! However, you have to see the bigger picture.

Why does T-Mobile gets to dictate who gets preferential treatment on their network? What about the small start ups barely trying to make a name for themselves? It would be a hard sell when customers can use free data with the larger providers. With data consumption steadily increasing, small start ups can’t compete with free.

What if this isn’t the end? What if photo services are next to get an exemption? It seems like a slippery slope and not a road I would want carriers to go down. On the surface, it looks like a huge win for customers like myself who have a problem using up a lot of data, but I would rather limit myself than have a select few content providers get preferential treatment. I don’t think anyone should be treated unfairly. What are your thoughts?

Liz & Dicks

liz n dick

So today I had the pleasure of watching Lifetime’s newest movie Liz and Dick about Elizabeth Taylor’s love affair and two marriages to Richard Burton. Elizabeth Taylor was played by the wonder actress that is Lindsay Lohan. I might be a little bias here because I love Lindsay Lohan, but I believe the movie was definitely interesting. A lot of critics think otherwise, but I found it hilarious. Maybe in a way the movie didn’t intend.

The movie consists of Liz drinking and smoking the entire movie. She was all like I’m pissed so she would throw her glass or the entire vodka bottle at the wall. It occurred randomly at various times and I was always looking forward to the next. Lindsay Lohan’s tone was almost sarcastic in times when it didn’t seem to fit the script (if there was one?). I felt like I was watching a bad sequel to Mean Girls..

I feel the movie didn’t really give viewers a sense of Liz’s feelings with everything she was going through, it just seemed to focus on dramatics. The only time was when she said she was “bored” and didn’t know what to do when she wasn’t working. I thought finally the movie was shifting and expected it to get deeper but it just highlighted the ups and downs of her relationship which I felt wasn’t very showing us viewers the full picture.

The movie is supposed to be based on the real life of Elizabeth Taylor and I don’t know much about the real Liz so I’m not sure if it’s really factual but if you want two hours of booze, cigarettes, and bottle breaking then this movie is for you baby! I’m not taking it as it should be, I’m just enjoying Lindsay Lohan and glad she’s back haha. This is definitely a must watch!