Category Archives: Entertainment

These are posts about Entertainment stuff.

Dexter Season 7 Sneak Peek!

At Comic-Con in San Diego yesterday, Showtime premiered the first two minutes of season 7 of Dexter. Let me tell you that the preview is such a tease! I can’t wait for the show to start again this fall. Check out the clip below and notice how Deb’s frequent f-bombs get bleeped out haha. The new season of Dexter premieres Sunday, September 30th at 9pm EST/PT on Showtime. Who else is excited for this?

HBO’s Newsroom is Refreshing

If you haven’t yet noticed, HBO has been trying to create original content. This summer alone, they’ve launched two original series. The first was Girls which I wrote about previously. This weekend, the third episode of their new series The Newsroom aired. It’s a original show about politics and how news comes about in newsrooms.

Above is the trailer for the show. The main clip where main character Will McAvoy gives statistics to state why he thinks America isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore is from the opening scene of the first episode. A lot of people have come out criticizing the show saying that there is still a lot for Americans to be proud of. I would agree with them. There’s plenty to be proud of and just as much where we could do better. What this show does is get people thinking. It gets people talking about real issues. It’s inspired people to write about what they love about this country. This kind of stuff unites people because we can relate to their experiences.

Don’t get me wrong I love reality TV and all the drama it brings. However, I think that entertainment like this is great because, even if it’s not all based on facts, it exposes people who don’t normally follow politics to what’s going on in Washington.

The Newsroom is being received negatively same way that Girls was. People criticized it as far-fetched, but they were just out of touch with the demographic Lena Dunham, Girls’ writer and creator, was portraying. I believe the same is happening with Newsroom. It’s not a show about Zombies (I just started watching The Walking Dead, however) or some reality show skewed to create drama for viewers. The show is refreshing. Just like every actual news show, you shouldn’t agree with everything, you should take the information given, maybe investigate the topic more yourself, and formulate your own opinion.

It’s definitely a show worth watching even if you’re not politics because they also have relationship issues and how it affects people’s professional lives. The Newsroom airs Sunday nights on HBO and I will be watching religiously.

HBO’s Girls + Song Of The Week: The Royalty – Bartender

girls banner

So HBOs show Girls has become my new favorite show. The first few weeks I didn’t know what to think about the show but after watching more I became in love with it. It talks about young college graduates trying to figure out life in a fun and quirky way.

The show talks about real women issues and it wouldn’t be an HBO show without a lot of sex which is a plus! haha. I was kind of appalled at the in your face issues and the way these characters handled them but after I got used to it I wanted more and boy did I get it! This show leaves me wanting more each week.

It’s written and directed by Lena Dunham who also plays Hannah, the main character on the show. Hannah is the girl me I swear. Also stars Alison Williams, daughter of Bryan Williams, who is great on the show and an absolute beauty to watch! Not to mention this weeks episode where she makes out with a beautiful blonde 🙂

Click here to check out the trailer for HBO’s Girls which shows you what the shows all about. The show is new and different from all the other shows out there now. Look forward to watching it every sunday night! Watch it on HBO Go if you haven’t checked it out yet.

My song of the week this week is by The Royalty which is a new band signed to Victory Records. They’re a breathe of fresh air from all the bubble gum pop that’s usually all we ever hear (not that I’m complaining, I love pop too). Some songs like How I like Em sort of sound like Amy Winehouse which is why I love this band and the whole album is spectacular. You must check it out! Watch the video for their single Bartender below and check them out on Twitter @theroyalty and iTunes!